Friday, May 8, 2009

Penance brings forth beauty

I love Bono's shout out to Michael Hutchence (the guest guitarist from the audience is wearing an INXS t-shirt), who was a dear friend of his. In fact, Stuck In A Moment off the All That You Can't Leave Behind album is a tribute to Hutchence. Friday is good time to face reality squarely, to take stock of our lives, our foibles, our sins. Besides, most of us have lost friends and loved ones along the way. To see in Christ crucified the perfect and infinite love God has for each one of us. Even with all our wounds and scars, we are beautiful to God- more beautiful for all that. I am personally convinced that the Son was never more beautiful to the Father than when he was hanging on the cross.

It goes to show that Bono, being possessed of the requisite Celtic spirit, can make up lyrics like a mad man and that being able to play Knockin' is a prerequisite to being in a true rock n' roll band.

Veni Sancti Spiritus, veni per Mariam.

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