Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hierarchy update

Today, the Holy Father accpeted the resignation of Bishop Edward Cullen of Allentown, Pennsylvania, who was a bishop serving past the age at which bishops must submit their resignations to the Holy See, which is 75. In short order, the Holy Father named Msgr. John Barres of the Diocese of Wilmington, Delaware to succeed Cullen.

The number of Latin rite bishops currently serving beyond the mandatory retirement age of 75 is now ten.

There remain five vacant sees in the U.S.: Cheyenne, Wyoming; Duluth, Minnesota; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Ogdensburg, N.Y.; Owensboro, Kentucky.

Veni Sancti Spiritus, veni per Mariam.


  1. Edward Cullen is the name of the vampire heartthrob in Twilight!


Ash Wednesday

Readings: Joel 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6.12-14.17; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Matt 6:1-6.16-18 Our responsorial Psalm is Psalm 51. Known traditionally as t...