Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hierarchy update

Moving quickly to fill the vacancy created when His Excellency, Bishop Robert Carlson, was transferred to St. Louis, the Holy Father named Bishop Joseph R. Cistone, 61, an auxiliary of the archdiocese of Philadelphia, to be bishop of Saginaw. Michigan.

With this appointment there are now five vacant sees in the U.S.: Cheyenne, Wyoming; Duluth, Minnesota; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Ogdensburg, N.Y.; Owensboro, Kentucky.

The number of Latin rite bishops currently serving beyond the mandatory retirement age of 75 (i.e., bishops whose resignations the Holy Father has not accepted) remains at eleven.

Since my last posting, the Holy Father has also accepted the resignations of Bishop Bernard Harrington of Winona, Minnesota, who was succeeded by his coadjutor, Bishop John Quinn, and that of Bishop Ignatius Wang, auxiliary of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Both men resigned in accordance with canon 401 §1, with canon 411 also applying in the case of Bishop Wang.

Veni Sancti Spiritus, veni per Mariam.

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Ash Wednesday

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