Monday, July 6, 2009

Return, remembrance, and connections

Organist and scholar Rob Ridgell, who is the organist at historic and beautiful Trinity Episcopal Church in Manhattan, plays an organ tribute to Michael Jackson.

Rob was the organist at The Cathedral of the Madeleine, my parish, in the mid-90s, when I also served on the full-time staff of our beloved rector, Monsignor M. Francis Mannion. Rob and I had a few adventures together. He was back in Utah last October for the dedication of the new church for Holy Family parish, led by another of our mutual and beloved friends, Fr. Patrick Elliott. So, Hi Rob!

Fox aired a re-run of an early Simpsons episode in which Homer is committed to a mental health facility. His roommate is a rather large white man who thinks he is Michael Jackson. Far from being disrespectful, it is a very poignant and complex look at Michael.

I needed an assist on this one. So, a deep diaconal bow to my friend Deacon Greg Kandra who blogs over at The Deacon's Bench.

Tomorrow is the release of the Holy Father's encyclical Caritas in Veritate.


  1. turns out that MJ played himself on this one with a pseudonym - after this episode, the Simpsons decided that guests would only appear under their own name.

  2. Thanks. Fred. I had seen the episode before and thought it poignant then. I was suprised last night watching the credits that MJ's name did not appear. So, thanks for clearing that up!


The temptation of "all this power and glory"

Reading: Luke 4:1-13 "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly be...