Sunday, November 11, 2007


Below are just a few of the countless people who entered the world on this day:

Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor- 1050

Abigail Adams- 1744

Fyodor Dostoevsky- 1821

Kurt Vonnegut- 1922

Carlos Fuentes- 1928

Senator Barbara Boxer of California- 1940

President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua- 1945

Stanley Tucci- 1960

Demi Moore- 1962

Calista Flockhart- 1964

Scott Dodge- 1965

Leonardo DiCaprio- 1974

It is also the Memorial of St. Martin of Tours, who died on this day in 311 and who is the patron saint of Martin Luther, who was born 10 November, as well as of

St. Bartholomew of Grottaferrata- Abbott and

St. Mina, an Egyptian saint who died around 309

It was interesting (at least for me) to look at my b-day post from last year. I still ask for prayers for my comrades in arms on this day "and ask St. Martin of Tours, whose feast is today, along with St. Stephen, my baptismal and confirmation patron, one of the seven deacons chosen by the apostles in Acts, a martyr, to intercede for all serving the cause of peace in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let us ask them to intercede for their safety, to comfort their families, and for [conversion of heart of all who see violence as means to accomplishing ends, be they political, religious, or personal and for the repose of the souls of all who have died, U.S., Iraqi, Afghani]. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Peace, ora pro nobis. St. Stephen, ora pro nobis. St. Martin of Tours, on this, your feast day, ora pro nobis."

I conclude with a quote from Dostoevsky, which serves as the epigraph of Clarity Daily: "Beauty will save the world"!


  1. A very happy birthday to you! And great prayer intentions, all. We are in the great City by the Bay celebrating my husband's birthday which is actually tomorrow.

  2. Thanks for the kind wishes and especially for the prayers! It's time to go celebrate. I wish that I were in S.F.

  3. Happy B-DAY!! Our prayers are with you today and everyday. Keep on bloggin'. J&S F

  4. Thanks once again, all! This morning all I can write is 42 feels a lot like 41.

    J & S I saw Jennifer and little one at Mass. Cool how that works.

  5. Happy Birthday tooo You. Happy Birthday tooo You. Happy Birrrthday Dear Scott....

    Happy Birthday to You... la la la la la la lalaaaaa....


  6. I was just reading your blog ......a belated Happy Birthday to you!!

  7. Thanks David for not having any really perplexing questions for me on my b-day!


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