Monday, December 21, 2009

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it"

Today marks the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year up here in earth's northern hemisphere. This event has always and rightly been significant to human beings living above the equator. The farther north of the equator you go, the more significant is this day due to the prevalence of darkness. So, it is no big deal, despite what many self-described Christian purists think, that Christmas, the day on which we celebrate the coming into the world of the "true light, which enlightens everyone," is celebrated around this day (John 1:9). On the contrary, even on Christian terms, it only makes sense.

Anyway, on this particular day of the year on which the winter solstice arrives, a day on which we turn the corner, heading for longer, lighter days we offer this prayer, this O Antiphon, as it were:

"O rising sun, and splendor of the eternal light, and son of justice! Come and illuminate those sitting in the shadow of death!"

Maranatha- Come Lord Jesus!

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