Saturday, December 19, 2009

All Christians remember, our Lord is a Jew

For all my elder sisters and brothers in the faith, to whom I am related by adoption through Christ Jesus, I offer Jill Sobule's Hanukkah classic for this last day of Hanukkah- Jesus Was A Dreidel Spinner as a belated traditio.

Along these lines, I want to agree with His Excellency, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, who in his unique and pastoral way, makes the case that Advent Must Be Preserved. Just as Archbishop Dolan, who recently became the Catholic lead for the on-going dialogue with Jews in the U.S., was invited to light the Hanukkah menorah at Temple Emanu-Elin on 11 December, the first day of this Jewish season, he has invited Rabbi David Posner, senior Rabbi of the 5th Ave Jewish congregation, to St. Patrick's Cathedral tomorrow to light the fourth candle on the Advent wreath.


  1. My father was Jewish. While he left his own faith practice behind, it left its imprint. Judaism is deeply tribal and cultural, as you know and Catholicism is not so different really. In any event, my inner Jew is alive and well and while I am deeply Catholic in my soul and in my being, I am also aware of my own Jewishness.

    To disconnect Jesus from his Jewishness is problematic. To disconnect the roots of Christianity from its own Jewishness is the same problem.

    My heart was warmed by Dolan's acts in NY. I used to be in that Archdiocese and he is a breath of very fresh air. Currently I am in the Albany diocese. We have a long-standing and established Jewish-Catholic dialogue going on here. You can even read a bit about a sculpture called Portal here. It is at our Cathedral. Bishop Hubbard is a giant of ecumenical efforts.

  2. I truly revere Judaism. Thanks for the link. It'd be nice if we had something local. After all, we have several large Jewish congregations in SLC.

  3. I hope I am not overstepping my bounds in presenting this link as well. You may have seen that on Facebook, I can't recall.

    It sounds like a ministry in need of a minister in your diocese. I will pray for that to come forth!

  4. Not overstepping at all. I appreciate it very much


The temptation of "all this power and glory"

Reading: Luke 4:1-13 "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly be...