Friday, December 23, 2011

Love and marriage 2011

Back in July I sought to aggregate all my posts on marital sexuality vis-à-vis Church teaching. The result of my effort was Marriage as the total gift of self on Καθολικός διάκονος. I want to update this by posting, from latest to earliest, my posts on marriage over this past year, both those that deal with marital relations and those that deal with other aspects of marriage:

Papist musing about marital relations

Pledging troth, knowing to Whom you belong

Thoughts on the ecclesisal nature of Christian marriage

NFP: a faithful reality check

The joy of NFP

The ideology of so-called same-sex marriage

An academic extract: marriage and deacons

More on marriage and pastoral care

Marriage as a sacrament of salvation, a channel of God's grace

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