Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Χριστὲ ἐλέησον (Christe Eleison)

Being too busy to post anything of real substance has been something of a needed penitential exercise for me over the past few days. As a deacon, the days and weeks of Lent ofare very busy, but also very rewarding. I am learning again to pray on the go. In addition to Morning and Evening prayer, I have been able to offer up many Memorares and to pray the Angelus three times a day (6:00 AM, Noon, 6:00 PM). God is so good and so is His Mother, who, by grace, is our Mother, too.

There is a lot happening in the world right now. Of particular interest to me are the health care bill and the Administration's incomprehensible stance towards Israel, both of which trouble me a great deal. I hope to have some time to deal with these is due course.

Above all, I hope Lent is proving a fruitful season of grace for everybody. I hope your practice of the disciplines of increased prayer, fasting, and alms-giving, along with whatever personal practices you've added have cleared space in your life for God to work through Christ by the power of their Holy Spirit. I also hope that you're learning through your failures to keep these disciplines that God isn't just merciful, but in Christ Jesus, is mercy, a mercy that constantly challenges us, as our Sunday Gospel readings, whether your parish is using the A cycle or the C cycle, amply demonstrate. I urge everyone not to take the easy way out when contemplating these passages by only identifying with the woman caught in adultery or the prodigal, but with the judgmental crowd and the older son, too. We need to let Jesus challenge as well as comfort us. Only by so doing will you be able to deal with the challenges you face daily, using experience as the instrument for your journey towards destiny.

Meum cum sim pulvis et cinis

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