Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Deacon Greg Kandra over at The Bench (Da Bench among Chicago's numerous deacons)tagged me to reveal my favorite devotions. I will order according to the frequency I use them:

Divine Mercy Chaplet
Jesus Prayer
Novenas to: St. Peter Julian Eymard, St. Stephen, the Little Flower
Prayers for intercession to St. Gianna Molla

I tag The Ironic Catholic; From the Pews; The Orthometer; Faith, Fiction, and Flannery


  1. I was tagged elsewhere, but here's my nickel:
    1. Angelus. When I was in grade school, the pastor visited Ireland & brought back the angelus. I got in trouble for moving during the Angelus bells (at noon) and a teacher had me copy the words. Today, the angelus is the reminder of the fact that puts everything else into motion.
    2. The Memorare. I didn't learn this one until I was in high school seminary and was disappointed that nobody had taught it to me before then. Several days ago the words "mother of the Word Incarnate" jumped out at me and I was jolted by Mary's intimacy with the incarnation.
    3. veni Sancte Spiritus, veni per Mariam. Begging for Christ to show himself to me in front of any circumstance. I remember I was praying this in my car a few years back and seeing a man in my rear view mirror urging me to pull onto the shoulder. My poor corolla was on fire. I remember thinking: this is the circumstance that Christ has given me. The man gave me a short lift to the gas station on the exit where I could call me dad for a life.

  2. Dear Deacon Sctt -

    These devotions are very much my own - and also the Missionaries of Charity. I especially love St. Gianna Molla. JPII in his great wisdom gave us a beautiful saint - a saint that is particularly needed in our time.

    God bless you!!

  3. The Ironic CatholicAugust 12, 2010 at 3:06 PM

    Already done--http://www.ironiccatholic.com/2010/08/dog-day-summer-meme.html

  4. LOL!

    I have been Tagged...NICE!!

    Well, I am Very Devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Poor thing is probably SICK of me ;)

    Novena to San Judas (St. Jude, I constantly need his intercessions :S)

    Ever since I was a child, my Mother instilled in me Daily morning and evening Prayers to my Guardian Angel, so...My Guardian Angel.

    Not a day goes by that I am not calling upon the Souls In Purgatory...

    and when a teen, I fell in love with an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to this day, I find such solace, hope and Love in praying to Him. From the Prayer for Him to guide us on our Travels, to other prayers my Mom and Mamá Lola taught me. Though for travels I also invoke the Shadow of St. Peter, especially if I ran a red light =oO

    I have also always been very devout to the Holy Spirit and His Enlightenment, expecially in School! Or when I'm going to Lector, I always Pray that He use me, that it be God's Words emitting from me and that it be His Presence and not I up there...

    I think I'll stop there otherwise I will keep going and going, like the Energizer Bunny!

    How's everything coming? Done a lot of writing on the other site??

  5. LMAO!!!!!!!

    I just saw the Tag TODAY!!

    I saw it on my Stats page on WP...

    I guess I should check my Stats more often, huh?

    I tell 'ya! GEEZE!!!

  6. I am not getting sick of you at all. I am keeping up with your blog most of the time. I have done zero writing for the new site, not really sure what contribution I could make at this point. It seems to be drifting in the "here's an issue what does everyone think?" direction, not really my strong point. I am interested in what others think and discussing and debating, but I am not really into writing about things I have not made any kind of judgment about- how interesting is to just bring something up? Yes, it is rhetorical.


Year C Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 96:1-3.7-10; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; John 2:1-11 As we enter this season of Ordinary Time, running from las...