Monday, August 16, 2010

Whither Καθολικός διάκονος?

Today marks the fifth anniversary of my blog. It started with a spurt and a sputter and, after my initial few postings, lay fallow for about a year. It was not until the following July that I began to write in earnest, something I have done ever since. So, from July 2006 to now blogging has been part of my daily routine, a part that is most valuable to me and, I hope, to at least a few others. Over that time I have undertaken other adventures in blogging, both on my own, as well as a couple of group endeavors.

Beginning this week, I am once again undertaking a joint project with several companions, or, more accurately, renewing a previous effort. The venue for this undertaking is Cahiers Péguy. As far as how this new undertaking will affect my activity here, only time will tell for sure. Up front, I am supposing that most of my political and cultural observations will be contributions to Cahiers, which leaves the traditio, homilies, spiritual and biblical insights for Καθολικός διάκονος.

Charles Péguy

It is my intention that the net result of these changes will be less posting for me all the way around, down to around three times a week. My goal on this blog is to provide content (to use a media word) that is original and hopefully fresh, if a little idiosyncratic. It was the Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman who averred that "[t]o live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often." Of course, I am not perfect, a work in progress, if you will, a work with a long way to go, meaning I have much changing, that is, converting to do. I was discussing making this jump with a friend who will be a companion in the Cahiers adventure a few weeks ago. I said to him that doing what I strive to do here for five years made me concerned that I would, at some point (if I haven't already), start to repeat myself, mining the same depleted veins, that I feared becoming...and before I could finish, he said "A hack. You don't want to become a hack." Indeed, I do not.

So, to both my readers, do not worry Καθολικός διάκονος is by no means going away, just changing in order to better fulfill my purpose, namely, as my masthead states, fostering "Christian discipleship in the late modern milieu in the diakonia of koinonia and in the recognition that 'the Eucharist is the only place of resistance to annihilation of the human subject'." It is my hope that reduced quantity will lead to improved quality. I urge both of you stay abreast of what is going on at Cahiers Péguy.

"Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is." 1 John 3:2- ESV).


  1. 1) I'm happy that Cahiers Peguy will be updated more often. The updates look good on my blogroll.

    2) You have more than two readers.

    3) Congrats on the anniversary!

  2. 1) We'll see how it goes, but worth another try. I never feel like what I have to contribute is really in synch with everybody else.

    2) Yea, there is there are the 2 or 3 people, all of whom post anonymously that don't like me at all.

    3) Thanks. My blog has borne a lot of fruit over the years. I hope it continues to do so. Even fruitful trees need pruning.

  3. Thanks for the update; I will tend to follow where you go because I like to read what you write.

    And that Newman quote needs to go up on my Facebook page. And so it shall!

    Prayers for your (writing) journey my brother!

  4. BTW, Happy Blogversary! I just used the Newman quote on my FB page.

  5. Less is more! One post per week for a quality blog is plenty :)

    Anyone who seriously follows will pick up the updates e.g. by RSS anyhow.


  6. I enjoy reading anything you write; the venue and format are minor details. I will miss your daily blogging here!

    I had a minister once tell me that preachers, writers, and poets all have but one tale to tell; the tale of thier own journey. I won't speak for the veracity of that comment as I don't fall into any of the aforementioned categories. However, her words stuck with me.

  7. I HOPE that this Comment will FINALLY go through...Seems Blogger has been having ISSUES with Non-Google Acct. Holders :P

    Happy Blogversary (To Borrow from Fran)!!

    As more than one person has stated, your Fans will follow...

    Oh, and Sara is quite right. There EXIST only 2 Tales and those can even be called ONE depending on the Reader.

    Stranger comes to Town.


    Hero leaves on a Journey.

    And you Sir, are Leaving on a Journey ;)

  8. I can't tell you all how much your encouragement means to me. I have to admit that it is difficult for me to remember when I have been more discouraged than over the past several days. It is miraculous how much the support of friends helps me to turn discouragement into determination.

    I have been fretting and practically panicking about finishing my master's thesis, or even beginning to write it in earnest. After two days of wrestling, like Jacob with the angel, I made a significant breakthrough, hammering out an actual thesis statement! I am busy next week, but the following week, especially Labor Day weekend, the writing begins in earnest.

    I hope this will clear the blocked passageways for blogging and writing for Il Sussidiario.


"One headline why believe it?"

So many thoughts, so many threads, so much going on. I am glad I returned to blogging because I can't take the pace of other social medi...