Thursday, May 15, 2008

What is CL?

Suzanne, who is the author of the blog Come to See, writes beatifully about her experience with CL. She also has some good information on her sidebar about CL. So, if you are at all interested in what we call the Movement, please read What is Communion and Liberation To Me. After all, it is the result of experience.

UPDATE: From Godspy, a great article on Larry Norman by Ron Wall, entitled Larry Norman’s Street Fighting Gospel. A thanks to Alex, over on Vitus Speaks for the link. Demonstrating, especially in this internet age, Julia Kristevia's principle of intertextuality, popularized by Jacques Derrida, Wall links to a great Wikipedia article on Larry. Stated simply, Larry Norman knew that following Jesus meant losing his own life for His sake.


  1. The Global Catholic Television Network offered several CL members the opportunity to speak of their CL experience on two programs.

    11/8/2002 -- Ecclesial Movements in the Universal Church #10
    Host: Fr. C. John McCloskey III, STD w/ Michael Eppler, Maurizio Maniscalco
    Communion and Liberation

    4/24/2008 -- Life on the Rock #542
    Host: Fr. Mark Mary w/ Communion and Liberation
    Young Hearts Begging for Christ


Does forgiveness forego justice?

Readings: 1 Sam 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23 Ps 101:1-; 1 Cor 15:45-49; Luke 6:27-38 When we encounter such challenging teachings ...