Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Maintaining the Communion of Saints

Over on Deep Furrows Fred answers the question, Why Pray to the Saints?.

I don't mind sharing that one of the most beneficial things I do each day is invoke my personal litany, as well as pray to particular saints for particular needs. Here's my list, which I share by way of encouragement: Saint Stephen, my patron; St. Martin of Tours, my other patron; St. Mary Magdalene, my patroness; St. Joseph, Sts. Francis and Clare; St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (i.e., Edit Stein); Blessed Teresa of Calcutta; Pope John Paul II, whose intercession I am invoking right now on a deeply personal issue, and whose canonization, along with Blessed Teresa's I pray to God for, along with that of Archbishop Oscar Romero. Further, I frequently invoke St. Lawrence, St. Philip, St. Augustine, St. Faustina, Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, and as of quite recently, St. Benedict and St. Gianna Molla.

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