Saturday, May 19, 2007

"It's like living in the middle of the ocean"

I suppose one of the reasons for having a blog is do what one wants, to be exhibitionistic, at least to some degree, about what forms and informs one's world view, to let people see things from the perspective of the blogger. With that, by popular demand, Bethy is back!


  1. Beautiful. Hey can you put back the clip of REM performing "One"? Some of us noticed it missing. :)

  2. Dcn Scott, I am glad that I inspired you to post this. Beth Orton is one of those artists I like, but haven't heard much. I have Conceived on my computer, which I got from a sampler CD came with Paste Magazine. I will try to get an album sometime soon.

    Please come to Seattle anytime. You have a place to stay; and Greg, Sal, and others would be happy to have you here and meet you, I am sure. All you have to do is bring me a six pack of Polygamy Porter. :)

    Busy days here. the coming weekend, I am going to the San Juan Islands with a couple of people from the School of Community. Then the weekend after I am going to Santa Barbara for the Fraternity Exercises.

    I hope you are well.

  3. Thanks, Alex, both for your encouragement and friendship. You can count on the Polygamy Porter! If there are that many of us, we'll assuredly require a case, to be taken in moderation over several days. Heck, I'll bring the wine and let you cook. Post more recipes for heaven's sakes. I am not above cooking to impress my lovely wife!

    I cannot express in words what a tonic Beth Orton's music for me, especially the album Central Reservation, but also Concrete Sky, the title track of which is particularly precious to me. I was introduced to her at a particularly strange point in my life, a year or so before ordination, when I had to confront myself in a way that was so essential and difficult.

    Conversely, if you visit SLC, let me know, you have a place to stay and pray. Still planning on establishing SoC here, but in July, after I return from St. Mary's Univ. I am way overdue in communicating Rino!

    I am well. Thanks. I hope you are as well. In addition to your shuffle, I loved the Johnny Cash post.

  4. Again, I just love love this video. Great way to begin Friday.

    Have a wonderful warm weekend!


  5. You too. We'll see you soon. Stay tuned for My Gram Parsons Project, part 2


Year C Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 96:1-3.7-10; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; John 2:1-11 As we enter this season of Ordinary Time, running from las...