Monday, May 21, 2007

His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, being himself

Click here to see the Holy Father with children in rehabilitation and recovery from drug addiction. He prophetically spoke to those who traffic in drugs while visting this Franciscan farm, a place of healing and wholeness, in Brazil to which he gave $100,000.00.

His Holiness said to "1,500 recovering addicts wearing white shirts with yellow sleeves, representing the Vatican's flag, that they must become 'ambassadors of hope:' "'The Lord has given you this opportunity for physical and spiritual recovery, so vital for you and your families. In turn, society expects you to spread this precious gift of health among your friends and all the members of the community.'" Sounds like an admonition not just for those in recovery, but for all Christians!

Where do we find Jesus? For those possessed of His Spirit, who are the ones who see Him, in places like Fazenda de Esperanca, just as palpably as those who saw him ascend to heaven.

A heartfelt shout out to my brother, Alex Vitus, for the collage link!


  1. To our beloved Pope Benedict XVI,

    M a g n i f i c a t !
    Holy Father, I personally thank you for surrendering yourself to the Lord and be an Instrument of His Love and Compassion for the Humanity.
    I am always praying for you.


"... renew within me a steadfast spirit"

For Roman Catholics, Ash Wednesday and the three days that follow are something of a warm-up for Lent. What we call the three days following...