Saturday, January 20, 2007

Besides which . . .

Tomorrow (this evening in liturigical terms) marks the Feast of St. Agnes. I wish I had more juice to write more on this lovely holy woman- girl really. It's just that after a busy week, a day spent rooting for the Cathedral Crusaders at b-ball games, and stripping wallpaper from a long overdue home project, I am spent. Like Santa Lucia, she is an awesome saint, whose feast this year is trumpted by a Sunday- this is certainly more than alright, without what we celebrate on Sunday sainthood would be non-existent. So, over to Rocco at Whispers for more on this great feast with extraordinary ecclesial implications.

Almighty, eternal God,
you chose what the world considers weak
to put the worldly power to shame.
May we who celebrate the birth of St. Agnes into eternal joy
be loyal to the faith she professed.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God. for ever and ever.

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