Monday, January 22, 2007

Lest we forget . . .

I am poaching like a madman this morning, but why duplicate effort, especially among colleagues in the same parish? Today, we mark the 34th anniversary of the infamous Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade, which has wreaked havoc in our country far beyond providing the legal basis for the unlimited abortion license, with its creation, out of thin air, of a Constitutional right to privacy.

Anyway, check out Gregory Glenn's post as we mark today, Monday a Day of Prayer and Penance, over at our The People of St. Mary Magdalene blog. Please pray today for an end to the gross violations of human dignity that occur everyday in our great country. Find ways to get involved, to assist women in crisis pregnancies, contribute to Pregnancy Resource centers, make your parish a place that women in these dire situations can turn to for help, advice, compassion, and understanding. Write your Senators and Representatives to express your opposition to the bill that passed the House of Representatives last week and to the one, sponsored by Orrin Hatch, due in the Senate soon.

Also, take the opportunity to learn about life issues, which, as Mr. Glenn accurately points out, are quite complex.

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