It is a strange phenomenon that part of the experience of being happy and content, those brief, fleeting moments, is the realization, even as we experience such times, how perishable and incomplete they are, and how they call forth a longing from deep within us for something more. In other words, in the glow of those moments, we realize we are not fully satisfied. This world was not meant to satisfy us completely, only God can fulfill us. To quote a much overused line from St. Augustine, "Thou hast made us for thyself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you"

Followed by verse three:
"Whatever it takes to fulfill His mission/That is the way we must go/But you've got to do it in your own way/Tear down the old and bring up the new."
He ends with this powerful and comforting image:
"Up on the hillside it's quiet/Where the shepherd is tending his sheep/And over the mountains and the valleys/And the countryside is so green/Standing on the highest hill with a sense of wonder/You can see everything is made in God/Head back down the roadside/And give thanks for it all."
Today dear friends, let us give thanks for it all. Let's begin learning to live in God, because in Jesus Christ, He gives us everything we need and more.
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