Friday, November 10, 2006

Catholic Deacon Defined

With acknowledgement to Julie over at julieunplugged for the "How you will be defined in the dictionary link."

Catholic Deacon --

A level headed person who always makes the wrong decision

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at


  1. Rofl! Yours is my absolute favorite I've run across so far. How funny!

    Thanks for posting over at julieunplugged. I love your title and in Greek! I studied it last year in grad school and am congratulaing myself that a year later, I can decode your blog title! :)


  2. Your congratulations are well-deserved. As for the definition, if the shoe fits . . . ! I enjoy your writing very much. I appreciate your honesty!

  3. I look forward to more dialog with you. You are a very thoughtful writer and thinker. I find that I usually fall in love with the minds of thoughtful Catholic writers. :)


  4. Thank you. See? Now I'm blushing. I look forward to more dialogue as well.


The temptation of "all this power and glory"

Reading: Luke 4:1-13 "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly be...