The story below was front page center in the Salt Lake Tribune today. Aniceto was a friend and brother. We were in formation together and during those four years, we did a lot of joking, a lot of praying, and grew pretty close. He was murdered last fall less than a week before I left the country. He is missed by his parish, by the many people he helped, by his brother deacons, to whom he was a leader and an example, but above all by his wonderful, strong, resilient and lovely wife Alma and his children.

The picture is of Aniceto on the day of our ordination by then-Bishop of Salt Lake City, now Archbishop of San Francisco, George Niederauer, 24 January 2003 in our
lovely Madeleine , where I am still priviledged to serve . The other day I gave a rather
negative assessment as to how well Catholic deacons, as whole, live up to our prophetic calling. While I do not revoke that assessment, Aniceto is an exception that proves the rule. Anyway, more than enough from me. Please read about a deacon who knew and lived the reality of the
diakonia of Christ.
Deacon's murder can't derail couple's dream: Despite her husband's senseless death, Alma Armendariz continues their shared lifework of assisting immigrants
It would be remiss of me not to mention that the oldest member of the order of deacons of the Diocese Salt Lake City,
Deacon Bud Wardle, passed into eternal life Saturday, 4 November. He was 90.
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