Monday, July 16, 2012

Good news on the cause for Cora Evans' sainthood

For my dear reader who is seeking and asking me to seek the intercession of the Servant of God Cora Louise Evans, a LDS convert to the Catholic faith, who became a mystic, and for Lori, who has also come to the assistance of this dear sister, I have some very good news, brought to my attention by a very dear friend, who is a sister, Marymargaret.

A Catholic News Agency report filed on Friday afternoon by Valerie Schmalz from San Francisco announced that the Holy See has paved the way for a complete investigation into the cause for Cora's canonization. In a letter dater 29 March 2012, the Prefect of the Congregation for Causes of Saints, Angelo Cardinal Amato, granted the necessary nihil obstat for “the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God, Cora Louise Evans.” Lest we get too carried away, there is no certainly she will ultimately be raised to the altar, but the way has been opened for her cause to proceed. In Schmalz's words, "The Vatican has approved a complete investigation into the cause of sainthood of a former Mormon wife and mother who reported visions of Jesus and a mission to promote “The Mystical Humanity of Christ.”

Cardinal Amato's letter was written to Bishop Richard Garcia of Diocese of Monterey in California, who is the ordinary of the place where Cora ended her mortal life and so the one who permitted and promoted her cause going forward up to this point.

According to Schmalz, Bishop Garcia has appointed Marianist Father David Schuyler to take testimony of approximately eight eye witnesses, including Evans’ daughter. In addition to the interviews, "A theological review of Evans’ writings will begin and a historical commission will collect relics and other materials. The completed dossier will be sent to Rome."

Servant of God Cora Louise Evans

I first wrote about Cora in June 2011. In that post, Cora Evans, Servant of God, I noted that it was San Francisco's current archbishop, His Excellency George Niederauer, formerly the bishop of Salt Lake City (who ordained your blogger), who gave his imprimatur to the Prayer for the Intercession of Cora Evans. The prayer was composed by her long-time confessor and spiritual director, Fr. Frank Parrish, S.J. I encourage any who read this blog to bring any particular needs to Cora, asking for her intercession. Below is the approved prayer:

First - Visit the Blessed Sacrament

Cora prayed that she would be given the same gift as Saint Thérèse, the Little Flower, spending her heaven on earth doing good. But, first visit the Blessed Sacrament.

Second - The Prayer - Ask Cora to intercede in your behalf

Dearest Jesus, You blessed Cora Evans with many supernatural mystical gifts as a means of drawing us to a deeper and more intimate union with your Sacred Heart through Your Divine Indwelling, Your Mystical Humanity. I ask You through her intercession to help me in my special request (name the favor) and my efforts to do Your will here on earth and be with You, Your Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and the whole Court of Heaven forever.

Third - Say three times

For more on the Servant of God Cora Louise Evans, just on her picture located on the right-side of this blog. Please, do not hesitate to seek her intercession, especially for those who are tempted to leave the Catholic faith, but also for any need.

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