Monday, July 23, 2012

Amy Winehouse, a year gone

Today marks the first anniversary of Amy Winehouse's death. Over the past year I have been doing some remembrances of her. She was an incredibly gifted singer. This ends my time of observance.

I can think of no better song to mark this sad event and bring my observance to completion than her singing "Tears Dry on Their Own."

"All I can ever be to you is a darkness that we know/And this regret I got accustomed to"

Amy dreamed of some day having children, not just one or two, she mentioned having six. Her fiancé, Reg Travis, recalled after her death, "She wanted to have children and stay at home and look after them. The fame didn’t bother her, she didn’t crave that, she was about the love of music." I find her aspiration wonderful in a day when having children is widely seen as more of a detriment to happiness than a source of it, making Amy's untimely death all the more sad.

Amy was a daughter of Zion and so I'll end with some words from the Jewish Kaddish prayer, which also strike me as something appropriate in the wake of last week's horror in Colorado: "May there be abundant peace from heaven,[and] [good] life satisfaction, help, comfort, refuge, healing, redemption, forgiveness, atonement, relief and salvation for us and for all his people [upon us and upon all] Israel; and say, Amen"

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully put Scott, this made me tear up. May her memory be a blessing...


The temptation of "all this power and glory"

Reading: Luke 4:1-13 "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly be...