Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Memorial of St. Martin of Tours

This Memorial marks my birthday. Along with St Stephen, by virtue of the fact I was born on his feast, St. Martin of Tours is my patron. Have you ever been in a Mexican restaurant and seen the image to the left, or one closely resembling it, just behind the front counter? That's my patron, known as San Martín Caballero, the horseman! I love him. With these two patrons, no wonder I enjoy the comedy of Steve Martin, a fellow Philosophy major, so much!

When I think of my patrons, Sts. Stephen & Martin of Tours, a corny song comes to my mind. The song is from the movie Toy story (I am a hardcore Woody guy, as opposed to Buzz Lightyear, for whom, like Woody, I have a lot of affection) and is Randy Newman's You've Got a Friend in Me. My patrons, for whom I constitute their purgatory, have seen me through many tight spots and difficult stretches. I want to be the kind of friend to others that they are to me. It's hard, but only love can make me so. Nonetheless, this is the song I hear them sing with me.:

This version from the 2005 Stuttgart Jazz Festival. Never heard of it? Well, neither did I 'til a few months ago when I found this song. So what! Judging from their reaction, I don't think the Germans have an appreciation of Randy Newman.

A litany for my birthday:

Holy Mary, Mother of God- pray for us
St. Michael the Archangel- pray for us
St. Joseph- pray for us
St. Mary Magdalene- pray for us
St. Nathaniel- pray for us
St. Stephen- pray for us
St. Timothy- pray for us
St. Athanasius- pray for us
St. Ignatius of Antioch- pray for us
Sts. Perpetua & Felicity- pray for us
St. Augustine- pray for us
St. Martin of Tours- pray for us
Sts. Francis & Clare- pray for us
St. Dominic- pray for us
St. Catherine of Siena- pray for us
St. Rose of Lima- pray for us
St. Peter Julian Eymard- pray for us
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross- pray for us
St. Gianna Molla- pray for us
Bl. Franz Jägerstätter- pray for us
Bl. John XXIII- pray for us
Bl. Teresa of Calcutta- pray for us
Papa Wojtyla- pray for us P
Papa Montini- pray for us
Papa Luciani- pray for us
Don Giussani- pray for us
All holy men and women- pray for us


  1. Happy 29th Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday! You share a feast day (but not a birthday, his was yesterday) with Martin Luther. Hence his name. May your year be filled with blessings of peace.

  3. Belated Birthday Wishes, Scott.

    Hope all is well with you.

  4. Thanks for all the kind b-day thought, wishes, and prayers!



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