Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday of Passiontide

Lord, watch over us by day and by night.
In the midst of life's countless changes
strengthen us with your never-changing love.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

This is the prayer of the ekklesia this evening of Passiontide. Writing about Passiontide, I can do no better (mixed metaphors aside) than my dear friend Rocco, who writes Whispers in the Loggia, did earlier this week:

"This past Sunday, we began the period of Lent that, once upon a time, was referred to as 'Passiontide.' Of course, Passion Sunday was collapsed into Palm Sunday with the liturgical reforms, but from the readings of the Fifth Sunday of Lent, we find that as these days of grace intensify into their home stretch, one last chance -- a mulligan, if you will -- still exists for those of us who, to this point, haven't been the best at our observance of these Forty Days to step up to the plate and start over."

Put aside pride and the take all the mulligans God offers, you don't even have to buy once you reach the clubhouse!

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