Thursday, September 26, 2013

Servant of God Cora Evans in the news

I was surprised this morning to come across an article in the U.K.'s Daily Mail about the cause for the canonization of Servant of God Cora Louise Evans, a LDS convert to the Catholic faith. The Mail Online article, "Little known housewife who 'suffered stigmata and slipped into comas where she walked with Jesus' is put on path to becoming California's first saint by Vatican," was derived from an extensive piece written by Mark Emmons for San Jose's Mercury News: "Vatican considering Santa Cruz Mountains mystic for sainthood."

As both of my longtime readers know, I have posted about Cora twice before- here and here. You can learn much more about Cora Louise Evans by visiting The Mystical Humanity of Christ website.

In one of her ecstasies, Cora was granted a vision of Purgatory. Among the insights she was able to report was this one: "Purgatory is a state of perfection. Could anyone then excuse themselves? Would that be perfection? Could anyone blame a friend? Would that be perfection? Would anyone wish revenge? Would that be perfection? None of these faults enter into the minds of the Purgatorial just. I was given knowledge to know that in the eyes of God no one sins alone. Everyone helps in the path of perfection or in its hindrance."

There is an approved prayer, granted an imprimatur by Archbishop George Niederauer, to offer petitions through Cora's intercession:

First - Visit the Blessed Sacrament

Cora prayed that she would be given the same gift as Saint Therese, the Little Flower, spending her heaven on earth doing good. But, first visit the Blessed Sacrament.

Second - The Prayer - Ask Cora to intercede in your behalf

Dearest Jesus, You blessed Cora Evans with many supernatural mystical gifts as a means of drawing us to a deeper and more intimate union with your Sacred Heart through Your Divine Indwelling, Your Mystical Humanity. I ask You through her intercession to help me in my special request (name the favor) and my efforts to do Your will here on earth and be with You, Your Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and the whole Court of Heaven forever.

Third - Say three times

The Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.


  1. "Amor ergo sum" I think should be "Amo ergo sum"; "Amor" is a noun, "Love", and "Amo" is a verb, "Love". Not trying to be disrespectful. Best wishes in your walk with

  2. I appreciate your attempt at helping/correcting, but it is not "I love, therefore I am," but "I am loved, therefore I am." While you are certainly correct that amor is a Latin noun, it is also a verb. Specifically, it is passive first person present indicative. So, what I have is accurate and reflects what I want to say. Blessings to you as well.


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