Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today is Martinmas

Two priest friends today weighed in with different and enlightening bits on one of my two principal patrons, the saint on whose feast I was born, Martin of Tours- soldier, turned monk, turned priest, turned bishop. Fr. Meinrad Miller, OSB points out that St. Martin was greatly admired by St. Benedict. Fr. John Montag, SJ added these fine thoughts about this impressive saint: "St Martin was a hugely significant figure--he sort of redefined sainthood. Before he came along, you pretty much had to be a martyr to be considered a saint. I hope all the soldiers we remember today are inspired by Martin and his humble generosity. We could all use a bit of that!" I can only add my hearty Amen!

Among the many intercessions I lift up to St. Martin today is one for all our wounded and scarred veterans. I also ask prayers for the repose of Billy's soul and for comfort and blessing for her husband and daughters. Here is the link to her obituary. Her vigil is this evening and her funeral Mass tomorrow.

Many Mexican restaurants feature an image of St. Martin somewhere in the vicinity of the customer service counter. I just love this. So, whenever you go for Mexican food and see St. Martin lift a petition to him.

Saint Martin of Tours- pray for us.

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