Saturday, June 27, 2009

Checking in

Monday, the Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul, which also marks the 58th year of his ordination as a priest, seems to be the day selected for the release of the Pope Benedict's long awaited encyclical, Caritas in Veritate (Love in Truth).

Tonight is a free evening here at the Institute in Pastoral Ministries here at Universitatis Sanctae Mariae. So off to eat with classmates, who over the years have become more than friends, true sisters and brothers in Christ.

I have a lot to enrich what I write here, but I have not had any time to process any of it.


  1. Scott, St. Mary's University is my alma mater. Back in my day it was St. Mary's College. The campus has changed a lot since the early seventies.

    I have heard a bit about the Institute you are attending. And a few of the instructors. Chris Walchuk being one of them.

    Enjoy beautiful SE Mn -- "God's Country" as they say.

  2. Chris is my Integrated Pastoral Research advisor. In fact, we ate breakfast together just this morning. I love Winona and the college

  3. The Ironic CatholicJuly 1, 2009 at 7:19 PM

    Seriously--no time to process? I can't imagine why. ;)

    (Just doing our jobs)


"One headline why believe it?"

So many thoughts, so many threads, so much going on. I am glad I returned to blogging because I can't take the pace of other social medi...