Saturday, December 20, 2008

Active elsewhere

I have been posting frequently over on our parish blog, The People of St. Mary Magdalene. Just this morning I have posted two new items:

Two years in the Areopagus and

You will bear a son

Like a lot of people this year, I have been posting the O Antiphons. The ones I have been posting are the ICEL translations found in the English Liturgy of the Hours.

Thanks once again to my dear brother Alex for being attentive and pointing me to the new Flash movie on the CL website.

"The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary..." So, as we prepare to usher in the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we pray

Veni Sancte Spiritus, veni per Mariam

Don't miss Deacon Greg's Homily for December 21, 2008: Fourth Sunday of Advent.


"One headline why believe it?"

So many thoughts, so many threads, so much going on. I am glad I returned to blogging because I can't take the pace of other social medi...