Friday, September 5, 2008

Politics are funny

UPDATE: Paul Moses has a more mature take on the matter, in which he draws attention to a piece in my hometown newspaper, The Salt Lake Tribune, over on dotCommonweal.


Because I just can't resist and because the vitriol deserves an airing:


because Turd Blossom (that is Pres. Bush's no kiddin' nickname for this alleged genius, whose divisive politics set civility back centuries- click the link to verify or google the nickname yourself) can't make up his mind about what consistutes real political experience. Bill "No Spin" O'Reilly can't help spinning. Karl Rove can't be from Utah if he really calls Colorado, Colorada. I suppose he'd call Hupper, Hooper, like it is spelled. He did get Nevada correct and we won't even go there with Tooele. Fox News, on which all of these comments were made, remains fair and balanced.

Two quick notes:
1) I have not spared the Dems when it comes to the abortion and have praised Gov. Palin for her stance. I will not relent when it comes to that issue or marriage.
2) Jon Stewart is a comedian who works on a comedy show that pretends to be news. Back when CNN was competing with Fox News by airing shouting matches, which they sadly turned Crossfire into, before it went off the air, Jon Stewart lambasted real news people. Oh, what the hell:

The synch problem is weird, but worth the watch nonetheless. By the way, whatever happened to Tucker Carlson? Anyway, sorry for the excess. It's like the Go-Gos thing back in February.

Analysis and background: I think the convention this week lowered the bar in terms of our political discourse, which is why I posted the first clip. There is no change here. It is the same old Rovian strategy of the politics of fear and divide and conquer. I could not agree more with Sen Obama's analysis of it, delivered in the town in which my lovely wife was born. I am not shy about where I am coming from, but I'd have to say that the Dems went out of their way to be respectful to Sen. McCain personally and to reserve their criticisms for what he proposing and how often his votes converged with the Bush Administration's legislative agenda, but isn't that what elections are supposed to be about, comparing candidates' records, pointing out differences, and making an argument for your proposals? I mean, what was that bit about holding back the waters and healing the planet? Is it a jab at making policy proposals about our nation's infrastructure in places like New Orleans and taking environmental concerns seriously by suggesting a $130 billion investment over 10 years in alternative energy? I have been up-front about the fact that I think some Obama supporters get carried away to the point of suffering from messianic delusions about their candidate, but I don't think Sen Obama himself does. Further, what in the hell is Giuliani talking about? He played right into the Mitt Romney characterization of him: "A noun, a verb, and 9/11". Sen Obama has not attacked Gov Palin's experience, or lack thereof. If nothing else, give him credit for being politically smarter than attacking her on that, thus drawing attention to his biggest vulnerability. Gov. Palin, on the other hand, had no such qualms, which is what makes Stewart's bit on their denigration of Sen Obama's time and service as a community organizer so funny, especially ending it with a reference to Republican President George H.W. Bush's "thousand points of light". The GOP, which still seems to be taking its cue from the playbook of the aforementioned Blossom, launched a full frontal and personal attack.

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