Friday, April 4, 2014

"How bout that ever elusive 'could've'"

This week's Friday traditio is a video with vignettes from the movie "The Way." My first post in the month of April.

It's not just about the journey, it's also about the destination. As we make our way, we're pilgrims. Let's walk together, you and me.

This hill though high I covent ascend;
The difficulty will not me offend;
For I perceive the way of life lies here.
Come, pluck up, heart; let's neither faint nor fear-
John Bunyan from The Pilgrim's Progress

How bout me not blaming you for everything
How bout me enjoying the moment for once
How bout how good it feels to finally forgive you
How bout grieving it all one at a time

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Year C Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

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