Friday, April 25, 2014

"Making vows that just can't work right"

I kept pretty quiet over the Easter octave. The Triduum was amazing. Life continues apace. These days at a faster pace than, frankly, I care for, but I am blessed beyond measure. Of course, the culmination of Lent is the renewal of our baptismal vows at Easter. At least for me, nothing beats renewing my baptismal promises at the Paschal Vigil just after those who are now neophytes (a word that means something like "newly planted"- consider Jesus' so-called "Parable of the Sower") make theirs and are baptized.

Proof of Mother Church's fruitfulness- Cathedral of the Madeleine neophytes and godparents with Bishop Wester, Fr. Diaz, Fr. Barrera, and yours truly

Lent seemed long to me this year, which is likely also the reason it seemed so fruitful. Whatever spiritual fruit occurred over Lent was the work of God, not the direct result of my own efforts. So, it seems like it's been a long time since I rock and rolled. This is why Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones playing the Led Zepplin classic "Rock and Roll" with the Foo Fighters is our Friday tradito for this Friday in the Octave of Easter.

Today is the penultimate day of the annual Divine Mercy novena. We're just two days away from the canonization of Bl Popes John XXIII and John Paul II.

Crammed a lot into this, kinda like at the end of the Credo. A joyous Easter to both of my readers!

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Does forgiveness forego justice?

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