Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hip to be unsquare means hip to be hip

Being forty-seven years old does not mean I'm too old to engage in (relatively tame) acts of defiance. My (tame) defiance will consist of a kind of irony; being both passive-aggressive and hip. This is in response to the morass that social media sometimes turns into. Truth be told, I would be inclined to put this post up even were it not an (very tame) act of defiance.

First, in honor of the Second Sunday of Advent, when we will hear the Baptist trying to wake us from our cozy pre-Christmas sentimentality, say "Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths" (Luke 1:4), I offer something posted on the "Occupy Advent" Facebook page- St. John "the Hipster" Baptist. It came with this caption: "Because celebrating Christmas in November is too mainstream."

Not being a hipster, I would agree with not celebrating Christmas in November, or even for most of December (I am so radical that I start celebrating Christmas at sundown on 24 December and keep on celebrating it until Epiphany), but simply because I find Advent, as I mentioned in yesterday's post, a wonderful season. Of course, without being followed by Christmas, Advent would have no little or no meaning. Not being a hipster, I would also like to see Advent become mainstream, along with a robust and joyous celebration of our Lord's Nativity, or Christmas. If you want to keep Christ in Christmas, then observe Advent.

Second, I am once again posting an early traditio featuring the now sadly late Dave Brubeck, who was born on St. Nicholas Day (6 December) 1920 and passed into eternity yesterday- his composition "Unsquare Dance." Because today would've been Brubeck's 92nd birthday, I am putting up my Friday post early. Brubeck was hip, truly hip, right up until his last breath.

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