Thursday, July 5, 2007

A few random notes

I am back and feeling a bit overwhelmed at present. I am still processing two weeks worth of intensive instruction, trying to complete 4 short and 2 long papers, beginning my reading on diaconal formation and identity, and the list goes on- lecture on St. Mary Magadalene and the resurrection, book club, preaching. Nonetheless, I am enjoying it all, but I feel tired tonight.

Rocco over at Whispers keeps up his excellent and irreplaceable reportage with the scoop on the long-awaited and mostly dreaded motu proprio, which is called Summorum Pontificum. He follows that up with the explanatory The Motu Proprio: Benedict's Decisive Compromise.

In the near future I may share some reflections and writings generated by my recent and current studies. It seems strange, but I feel like I need to find my voice again. One advantage of actually doing research is re-reading things with a more critical eye. To that end, I have re-engaged Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, specifically his book on ministry, The Church With a Human Face: A New and Expanded Theology of Ministry. I have been looking at attempts or approaches to developing a theology of the diaconate that takes a realistic account of ministry in the Church past and present, and the twin realities of the presbyterate and lay ecclesial ministers.

While visting Sacred Heart Cathedral in Winona, Minnesota, I discovered that the altar contains a relic of St. Gianna Molla.

It is a good night to invoke the saints:

Holy Mary, Mother of God - pray for us
St. Joseph - pray for us
St. Mary Magdalene - pray for us
St. Stephen- pray for us
St. Philip- pray for us
St. Lawrence- pray for us
St. Francis of Assisi - pray for us
St. Gianni Molla - pray for us
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross- pray for us
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity- pray for us
Bl. Teresa of Calcutta- pray for us
Bl.Franz Jägerstätter
All holy men and women- pray for us

1 comment:

The temptation of "all this power and glory"

Reading: Luke 4:1-13 "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly be...