Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday Canonical Monday

Given my recent flurry of activity, I plan to take it easy this week on the blog. In other words, unless I am overcome by inspiration, it will be catch-as-catch-can this week with some addenda, commentary, and brief musings. I would be interested in receiving comments on my recent postings. I am especially curious to read any reactions to my Friday penance posts.

Going a bit deeper on the recent conversion of Rod Dreher to Russian Orthodoxy, to which I provide a link in my post
A Church in need of an thorough examination of conscience, I offer a Roman Catholic canonical opinion, written by Edward N. Peters, JD, JCD, on his blog In Light of the Law, and entitled Some canonical thoughts on Rod Dreher's case. I do so for a few reasons: 1) as a follow-up to my post and a reminder that emotions should never be the final arbiter of our decisions. 2) to familiarize readers with certain aspects of canon law not related to annulments.

Dr. Peters holds the Edmund Cardinal Szoka Chair in Faculty Development at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, the Seminary for the Archdiocese of Detroit. Dr. Peters, in his post, seeks to "highlight some of the canonical issues I think might be raised by Dreher's actions. Of course, Dreher and those who agree with him might find little of interest in my remarks, but I offer them as evidence that, if nothing else, canonical laws do correspond to real life situations."

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