Monday, August 14, 2006

"The soldier above all other people prays for peace . . ."

Today the agreed upon cease-fire between Israel and the terrorist organization, otherwise known as Hezbollah, goes into effect. According the BBC "Fighting ended at 0500 GMT, although in one later clash, Israeli soldiers fired on a group they said were militants. Israel has said its troops will remain in Lebanon until an international peacekeeping force can take control. " U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701, which the U.N. has yet to post on their website, but is available courtesy of the BBC, is the result of an intense week of diplomacy. Let's hope the U.N. forces are committed to reigning in and disarming Hezbollah.

Despite all of the post-nation-state clap-trap, nation states are for from obsolete. If nothing else, in the age of global terror, the importance of well-governed, sovereign countries has been reinforced. That is why, in addition to Lebanon, both Iraq and Afghanistan need to become such entities. It is no time for timidity on the part these new governments. Of course, the answer for the U.S. is neither to cut-and-run, or to keep repeating the same mistakes. If we states are necessary, then so are statesmen.

My friends, let's pray the cease fire holds and that the heretofore hapless Lebanese army, with help from more advanced troops from various countries, can gain control of their own territory and disarm the terrorists in accordance with U.N. Security Council Resolution 1559.

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