St. Lucy

Today is the feast of Santa Lucia (i.e.,St. Lucy), a Christian martyr of the early fourth century. Yes, those are eyeballs on the plate. According to tradition, as part of her horrendous martyrdom, her eyes were pulled out. Gruesome, but then murder is usually like that. St. Lucy's day is a big deal at our house. It follows closely on the heels of St. Nicholas day. Why rush to Christmas when Advent is so much fun?
St. Lucy is a good role model of Christian virtue in an age of compromise. Therefore, it is fitting that tonight I am teaching a RCIA class on the sixth and ninth commandments, which deal with the virtue of chastity. To this end, I point you, dear reader, to another post over on The People of St. Mary Magdalene blog, which is the blog of the parish I am privileged to exercise my diakonia.
Santa Lucia ora pro nobis
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