Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Keeping a promise on the Memorial St Thérèse

Yesterday I finished my Novena to St Thérèse of Lisieux, the Little Flower. My intention, in light of the suicide of a friend last summer, was for the repose of the souls of those I have known who took their own lives. My friend left me three things: a book, a statue of Our Lady (which I gave to another friend), and a statue of St Thérèse of Lisieux. It has been my intention since the day I received the statue of St Thérèse to place her in my garden on her feast day, which is today. Well, I wasn't able to do that until after 9:00 PM this evening, but she is in place:

As you can see, like Jesus Christ, whom she followed through death to life, the Little Flower is a light in the darkness

After setting her in, we celebrated the Order for the Blessing of Images of the Saints, which, as a deacon, I can do. After making the Sign of the Cross, and a holy greeting, the rite begins with this, one of those beginnings which the rubrics tell us can be said verbatim "or similar words," making it adaptable:
As we begin to celebrate this rite in praise of God on the occasion of the placing of this beautiful statue of St Thérèse for our veneration, we must be properly disposed and have a clear appreciation of the meaning of this celebration. When the Church blesses a statue and presents it for veneration by the faithful, she does so for the following reasons: that when we look at the representation of those who have followed Christ faithfully, we will be motivated to seek the city that is to come; that we will learn the way that will enable us most surely to attain complete union with Christ; that, as we struggle along with our earthly cares, we will be mindful of the saints, those friends and coheirs of Christ who are also our brothers and sisters and our special benefactors; that we will remember how they love us, are near us, intercede ceaselessly for us, and are joined to us in a marvelous communion
Lovely Little Flower, pray for us today and always. You know the intentions I bring to you. Pray for us, help us daily to follow your Little Way, seeking holiness through the ordinary circumstances of our daily lives.

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