Monday, October 6, 2014

Extraordinary Synod: Articles worth reading

In light of the commencement of the Extraordinary Synod on Marriage and the Family, I do not mind in the least drawing attention to some items written by others that I find highly relevant and deeply insightful.

First is an article written by Karee Santos (full disclosure- she interviewed me for her piece) for Aleteia- "Why the Pope of the Poor Thinks Marriage Matters: And why this means the synod is unlikely to make major changes on hot-button issues."

Next comes an important open letter, sent back in June to the Holy Father and the members of the Extraordinary Synod, "Signed by 48 scholars and leaders from several countries, both Catholic and non-Catholic" as published by Zenit- "Marriage Experts Send Open Letter to Pope, Synod Members: Underline Challenges Facing Family, Timeless Truths About Marriage."

Another article written for Aleteia, this one by Susan Wills, for which she interviewed three people who are signatories to the open letter linked to above- "Experts Discuss Devastating Breakdown of Marriage, but Believe Church Can Turn It Around: Three marriage experts voice concerns and defend their proposed solutions."

As I am sure many others did, I found myself saying "Amen" to Mark Brumley's Crux article, "It's time for the full Gospel of the Family."

Finally, being provocative, here's a link to an article from The Remnant newspaper, whose editors, writers, and readership would surely consider me a "neo-Catholic": "Enforcing Sacrilege (What will the Church look like after the Kasper proposal?)."

Look for other articles by Karee, who is covering the Extraordinary Synod for Aleteia. I sent written replies to more interview questions this morning. Perhaps a few days after her next piece appears, I may post some or all of my written replies. I don't want to preempt her good efforts in any way.


Full text of the Relatio ante disceptationem ("Report Prior to Discussion") by the General Relator, Cardinal Péter Erdő

Dr Ed Peters, a well-respected canon lawyer and professor of Canon Law, responds to Cardinal Wuerl's assertion in a recent interview that "The reception of Communion is not a doctrinal given, it’s a pastoral application of a doctrinal position" in a post entitled "Is reception of Communion doctrinal or disciplinary?" His Eminence's assertion poses an interesting question on a quite fundamental matter.

Full text of the General Secretary of the Synod's Opening Report, by Cardinal Baldisseri, in which he described how the Synod will proceed. In it His Eminence discloses what this Extraordinary Synod will produce (i.e., a document called the Relatio Synodi) and how it will be used: "Another novelty in synodal methodology is the Relatio Synodi, namely, the document summarizing this synod’s work, which, after opportune amendments from the Small Groups, will be presented in plenary session in a final draft for the approval of the Assembly. This means that there will be no 'Propositions' as in other synodal assemblies."

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