Friday, March 22, 2013

Luigi Giussani, Servant of God, pray for us

I am not always, or even usually, as aware as I should be. But I am surprised that I missed the promulgation of the prayer to be prayed to the Servant of God Father Luigi Giussani by those seeking his intercession back in May 2012.

In seeking the intercession of a person for whom the process of canonization is underway, but in the first stages, these prayers must receive ecclesiastical approval in the form of an official imprimatur. This prayer was granted an imprimatur by His Excellency, Angelo Mascheroni, a retired auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Milan, Msgr. Giussani's home diocese. Use of this particular prayer also comes with some instructions from Fr. Julián Carrón, Giussani's successor as head of Communion and Liberation:

"In order to respond to a need that has arisen in the life of many people after the request to introduce the cause of beatification of Fr. Giussani, that is, to be able to invoke his intercession in an orderly way, corre- sponding to the true nature of his charism, the Fraternity has requested and received from the appropriate ecclesiastical authority approval of an invocation to be used–take note!–for private devotion, the only form allowed by the Church for a Servant of God, which Fr. Giussani now is. We strongly encourage you to avoid composing and distributing other forms of invocation. The Fraternity disapproves of any other initiative."

O Merciful Father, we thank You
for having given Your Church and the world
the Servant of God Fr. Luigi Giussani.
He, with his life lived with passion,
taught us to know and love
Jesus Christ present here and now,
to ask Him with humble certainty that
“the beginning of every day be a yes to the Lord
who embraces us and makes fruitful
the soil of our heart
for the accomplishment of His work in the world,
which is the victory over death and evil.”
Grant, O Father,
through the intercession of Fr. Giussani,
according to Your will,
the grace we implore,
in the hope that he
will soon be numbered among Your saints.
Through Christ, our Lord. Amen

Veni Sancte Spiritus.
Veni per Mariam

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