Friday, March 22, 2013

"But I need more than myself this time"

Our Friday traditiones lately have been a little anomalous. I hope it keeps them from being stale and predictable. Besides, these are my least read posts without fail each and every week, thus making these almost Scott Dodge for nobody, which was the original title of this blog. That title originated from an old community radio program here in Northern Utah, Tom Waits for nobody that aired late Sunday night. I was a devoted listener. But it is also inspired by the title of my favorite book about Pater Tom A Song for Nobody, by Ron Seitz.

As Lent draws towards to a close this year, I was struck by the Red Hot Chili Peppers song "Snow" off their 2006 album, Stadium Arcadium. While I don't want to write anything very lengthy today, at least for me, this is about the need we all have to recover, rediscover, or discover our I. All of which puts me in mind of something the Apostle wrote: "At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known" (1 Cor. 13:12).

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder where it's so white as snow/
Finally divided by a word so undecided and there's nowhere to go

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