Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rounding out the year in sex on Καθολικός διάκονος

I posted a lot this year on a subject usually and understandably avoided. But how can we remain silent in the face of so much confusion, of so much ideology, of so much propaganda? While not a major contribution to anything, I have collected what was lacking in my previous post on this delicate matter. So, from the most recent to the earliest, I offer thoughts and observations on marriage, chastity, and sex in general:

A song for nobody: remembering Fr. M. Louis

Seemingly random associations left seemingly random

Humanae Vitae and the communio sanctorum

An amateur stab at moral reasoning

A humane view "Of Human Life"

Starting from a positive hypothesis: marriage is unity

Bl. Louis and Marie Martin, pray for us

A few brief thoughts on chastity and teens

Hiatus interrupted to bring you this message

Humanae Vitae turns 40, part II

Humanae Vitae turns 40

"I think, therefore I am," but what about God?

The on-going need for natural theology

Urgently needed: The development of a healthy understanding of sexuality

"Send [Wisdom] forth from your holy heavens and from your glorious throne dispatch her That she may be with me and work with me, that I may know what is your pleasure" (Wisdom 9:10 from Saturday Morning Prayer, Week III of the Psalter).

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Feast of Saints Simon & Jude, Apostles

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