Monday, December 8, 2008

Profiles in the new evangelization and Monday morning miscellania

On this the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, let us implore Our Lady to intercede on behalf of my dear brother, Deacon Greg Kandra, who left a very successful twenty-six year career, which included winning an Emmy, at CBS News back in October to become the news director for New Evangelization Television, known as NET. The channel is an endeavor of the Diocese of Brooklyn, his diocese. Deacon Greg also blogs over at the The Deacon's Bench. This sounds like an exciting endeavor! What a great day for a launch!

A deep diaconal bow to our mutual friend Rocco over at Whispers for the post in which you can also read one of Deacon Greg's wonderful homilies, which he also posts on The Bench.

I earnestly pray for the success of this endeavor and for others like it, such as our more modest effort, spearheaded by the Cathedral of the Madeleine's parochial vicar, Fr. Omar Ontiveros, who is on Spanish-language television and radio, both AM and FM. You can visit their website: Valor Catholico.

On yeah, and the Utes are off to New Orleans to play the Crimson Tide in the Sugar Bowl. While I am at, if you have not seen the movie Bella, wow! What a great film.

Today's Solemnity of Blessed Virgin is certainly not miscellaneous, it is of primary importance and so we pray:

Veni Sancte Spiritus, veni per Mariam.

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Year B Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Exodus 16:2-4.12-15; Ps 78:3-4.23-25.54; Eph 4:17.20-24; John 6: 24-35 “I am the bread of life,” 1 says Jesus to those who ask...