Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dies Domini- Christus Resurrexit

The Lord's Day is now ended. We press forward, as Jesus always calls us to do, to a new week full of promise. As for me, I am tired, but feeling alright as I seek to rest this evening after a busy day and the tipped-over-bunny cage incident. Trust me, you don't want to know. This week is our national observance of thanksgiving, the Greek word is eucharist. Let us be mindful, not in a jingoistic, nationalistic, or exceptionalistic way, of all for which we are thankful. Moreoever, let us be mindful of the grave inequities that exist our world and (re)commit ourselves to overcoming them in practical ways. In other words, let's give humble thanks and recognize that where much is given, much is expected (Lk 12,48).

All praise and thanks to God, the Father, now be given/
The Son and Spirit blessed, who reigns in highest heaven/
Eternal, triune God, whom earth and heaven adore/
For thus it was is now and shall be evermore

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