Monday, February 3, 2025

Memorial of Saint Blaise

Readings: Romans 5:1-5; Psalm 117:1-2; Mark 16-15-20

Today we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Blaise. What stands out most about today is the blessing of throats. At least in the northern hemisphere, January and February are times when respiratory illnesses abound. This year is no exception.

Why are throats blessed on Saint Blaise’s day? Because the first known written reference to this fourth century Armenian bishop and martyr, which dates from the start of the sixth century, mentions his aid being sought for objects stuck in the throat. Another early mention of this bishop and martyr can be found in the chronicles of Marco Polo, which mentions that Blaise’s martyrdom. Based on the available evidence, it seems that during his lifetime, Saint Blaise was known as a healer.

Among Roman Catholics, it is customary to use candles blessed the previous day, which is Candlemas, to bless the throats of the faithful, on Saint Blaise’s Day. In doing so, we implore God for healing for those afflicted and for good health for those who are not.

Oddly, Saint Blaise was a very popular saint in Europe during the Middle Ages. This is likely due to the circulation of the Acts of Saint Blaise, written 400 years after his death. While there are likely kernels of truth concerning his life, much of it is legendary in nature.

Taking a cue from our reading from Romans, saints show us what it means to hope. Being a theological virtue, hope is a gift from God. If Saint Paul is to be believed, affliction is what brings hope into bold relief. Of course, affliction can also be the occasion of despair. It is important, therefore, not conflate hope and optimism. When you reach the end of optimism, either hope or despair are what remain.

As the apostle, writing from his own experience, insists: “affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope.” In the end, it is only hope that doesn’t disappoint. Learning to trust God is difficult because it requires you to entrust yourself entirely to Him come what may. This lesson is as old as the Book of Job, which is perhaps the earliest text found in the Bible. This is why the intercession of the martyrs is so efficacious.

Among the signs that the Lord says “will accompany those who believe,” is laying “hands on the sick,” so that “they will recover.” Of course, in addition to prayers and blessings, the Lord has given His Church the sacrament of anointing of the sick, which, along with penance, is a sacrament of healing.

Both these sacraments, as Jesus’ encounter with the lame man, whose friends lowered him down through roof, shows, the cure of souls takes precedence over the cure of our bodies. He commands the lame man to stand and walk only to show that He has the power to forgive sins (Mark 2:1-12).

This is shown, too, in the sacramental Rite of Anointing of the Sick when priest says, as he anoints the hands of the one receiving the sacrament: “May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.” In terms of eternal life, because our bodies and souls form a unity, so do forgiveness of sin and bodily healing. Resurrection is the ultimate healing.

Saint Blaise, pray for us.

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Year C Second Sunday of Lent

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