Saturday, May 15, 2021

"I know the nervous walking"

Well, yesterday proved too demanding to post a traditio. You know what? That is okay. These days I feel more and more pulled away from online engagement. While this is due to how much I have going on, it is also the result of wanting to read more and write in a more serious vein. So, far from lamenting not having the time to post yesterday, I think it's just fine.

Listening to The Sundays always makes me feel light and happy. This morning, while sorting my dirty clothes for the wash, their song "Here's Where the Story End" came on. Its effect on me was immediately soothing. "Here's Where the Story Ends" was a Friday traditio a little more than 2 years ago. Hearing The Sundays is indicative of the music I've been drawn to lately.

The music to which I've been listening is perhaps best described as "post-New Wave," a genre like "post-punk." Along with groups like The Sundays, there are groups like The Pixies- their original line-up. 10,000 Maniacs is another group that fits into this genre. So, by way of a little misdirection, our very late traditio is The Pixies with "Here Comes Your Man."

I imagine, at least some days, the response of the corresponding partner might be "Big deal!" But, then Kim Deal, was the bassist for The Pixies. For more on Kim and her music see 'It used to be about music. Now, without the drink, it's good to go back to that.'

Anyway, I thought this morning I would just share some things that interest me. Maybe I need a tag "Things not so contemporary." Anyway, have a great Saturday. It's nice to move away from explicitly religious stuff, not just now and then but more often.

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Year C Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 96:1-3.7-10; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; John 2:1-11 As we enter this season of Ordinary Time, running from las...