Friday, August 14, 2015

"Every heart longing for our King"

I promised last week to have a traditio this week. So, on this day on which the Church remembers the witness of St Maximilian Maria Kolbe, O.F.M, it seems fitting to cry the cry of the saints: "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20). It's important to remember that, in the end, the Church will be the Lord's spotless Bride and, therefore, composed only of the saints.

Our traditio is Tommee Profitt and Brooke Griffith beautifully covering Chris Tomlin's "All of Creation (Even So Come)."

Upon his arrest by the Nazis in February 1941, which odyssey would lead to his death in Auschwitz concentration camp on 14 August 1941, the former missionary to China and Japan said to his confreres: "Courage, my sons. Don't you see that we are leaving on a mission? They pay our fare in the bargain. What a piece of good luck! The thing to do now is to pray well in order to win as many souls as possible."

Pray, fast, serve while remaining sober and alert.

St Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.

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