Saturday, June 2, 2012

PP. Benedictus- "selfishness is the enemy of true joy"

Yesterday the Holy Father arrived in Milan for a pastoral visit to that venerable and ancient See and to participate in the festivities and activities of the 7th World Meeting of Families. As part of his pastoral visit, Pope Benedict addressed young people who are preparing to complete their Christian initiation by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation:
Dear friends, you're in luck because there are oratories in your parishes, a great gift of the Diocese of Milan. The oratory, as the name implies, is a place where people pray, but also where you are together in the joy of the faith, where catechesis is done, where you can play, organize activities and other services, where you can learn to live, I would say. Be assiduous frequenters of your oratory, to mature more and more in both your knowledge and in following the Lord! These seven gifts of the Holy Spirit grow in this very community where He carries His life in truth, with God's Family, be obedient to parents, listening to the directions they give you to grow as Jesus "in wisdom, age and grace before God and man "(Lk 2:51-52). Finally, do not be lazy, but my dear young people, be involved, especially in your studies preparing for your future: it is your duty daily and you have a great opportunity to grow and prepare for the future. Be willing and generous to others, overcoming the temptation to put yourself in first, because selfishness is the enemy of true joy. Even now enjoy the beauty of being part of the community of Jesus, you too can make your contribution to make it grow and you will invite others to join. Let me also tell you that the Lord every day, even today, calls you to greater things. Be open to what He suggests and if He calls you to follow the path of the priesthood or consecrated life, do not tell Him no! It would be wrong and lazy! Jesus will fill your heart for a lifetime! (my translation)
Pope Benedict addressing pilgrims in front of the Duomo in Milan yesterday. He looks great. I think he needed to get out of Rome and simply serve, give of himself, it's what he knows, it what he does, it what makes him who and what he is

Apart from more effectively ministering to the marginalized and the increasing number of lonely seniors, I can think of no greater challenge facing the Church than serving, teaching, and empowering our young people! After all, how else will the Church continue to serve the others I mentioned?

If there was any doubt that Papa Ratzinger is a true father, his injunction not to be lazy, given to teens, shows he knows whereof he speaks! In addition to being lazy, he says clearly that it is just plain wrong to tell Jesus, who always seeks to move us beyond ourselves to service to others for His sake, (known popularly as breaking us out of our comfort zones), "No". Vive il Papa!

Oh, I almost forgot. Welcome to June!

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