Saturday, July 6, 2013

Pope St. John XXIII, pray for us

It really was not my intention to give Pope St. John XXIII short shrift yesterday. To make amends, below is a list of posts going back several years, with a preponderance from last year, here on Καθολικός διάκονος concerning Good Pope John:

30 Nov. 2006- "Papal Coronation of Blessed Pope John XXIII"- links to videos no longer active (you can find them on YouTube)

28 Oct. 2007- "Il Papa Buono-Bl. John XXIII remembered"

1 Nov. 2007 (All Saints Day)- "Good Pope, bad assessment"

5 Jan. 2012- "Bl. Pope John XXIII and the convening of Vatican II"

1 Feb. 2012- "Bl. John XXIII and the plight of Italian hens"

3 Feb. 2012- "The Council and updating canon law"

3 Feb. 2012- "The surprise of Vatican II"

20 Feb. 2012- "The task of Vatican II: Regum Dei"

20 Feb. 2012- "Libertas ecclesiae: freedom for the truth"

11 Oct. 2012- "Year of Faith"- whole text of Pope St. John's address to open the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council

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Feast of Saints Simon & Jude, Apostles

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