Monday, May 24, 2010

"They’re selling postcards of the hanging"

24 May 1941 was the day Robert Zimmerman, who would grow up to become Bob Dylan, was born.

So, today is the birthday of this quintessential American musician, this trans-generational voice. It would be difficult for me write about how much I look up to Dylan, one of the last people of integrity, who has it in perspective, and has a wonderfully ironic sense of humor. Even after all these years, Highway 61 Revisited remains one of his best albums.

Anyway, Desolation Row paired with The Mascot by Władysław Starewicz, a great filmmaker by any measure is my tribute to the man my dear friend Kim calls His Bobness. What a treasure to find this today! Besides, Desolation Row was recorded the year I was born.

Yea, it's a bit long, but only if you have a short attention span. Bob wouldn't care and so neither do I. Besides, we all need something a little trippy on a Monday in May that began with snow!

Happy birthday, Bob! I am still angling for you to come to Salt Lake City. Hey, Wendover is a dive, which means we'd both love it. Hell, I'd even drive to Winnemucca!

"Right now I can’t read too good
Don’t send me no more letters, no
Not unless you mail them
From Desolation Row."


  1. This is particularly fantastic. I'm guessing by the vocals (very nice sound) that this was probably done in the late-'90's early '00's.

    I've never seen this video before, thanks for it. pathetic is it that I try to guess (and am most likely right)on when this recorded just by the sound of his voice? LOL

  2. Actually, it's 1995. The credits at the end give the date.

  3. That calls your prescience into question. It is machts nichts to me. I just think the pairing is awesome.

  4. Well, my prescience certainly deserves to be called into question; however, the theory that I am flawed has now been solidified.


Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Readings: Isa 7:7-14.8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38 At the earliest Easter can fall on 22 March. The latest Easter can occur...