Monday, August 11, 2008

Saint Clare of Assisi

Today is the memorial of St. Clare, who was St. Francis' collaborator, friend, and sister in Christ. See Deep Furrows and Clarity Daily for more about this great day on the church's calendar. I also draw attention to my links over the right, especially under the heading Spirituality, where you will find a link to the Bethelehem Monastery of the Poor Clares, located in Barhamsville, Virginia.

Due to my hiatus, I failed to note that Saturday was the memorial of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, known in her secular life as Edith Stein. These three days are something of a trifecta for me. If you count St. Dominic on 8 August, four days, but I do not know what the equivalent to trifecta is for four, quadfecta?

Holy Mary, Mother of God - pray for us
St. Dominic- pray for us
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross- pray for us
St. Lawrence- pray for us
Saint Clare- pray for us
All holy women and men- pray for us

Saint Clare, along with the other three saints, shows us that "Freedom is the capacity for relationship with the infinite" (Is It Possible to Live This Way?, vol. 1, pg 97). Simply stated, without the saints the faith vanishes.

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